Keeping children safe online – what you need to know

Keeping children safe online – what you need to know
Social Media | Flying Colours Foster Care

Social Media | Flying Colours Foster Care

Children and young people spend a lot of time online – it can be a great way for them to socialise, explore and have fun. But children do also face risks like cyberbullying or seeing content that’s inappropriate.

It may feel daunting, but you don’t need to be an expert on the internet. Understanding what children do online and the risks they face will help you keep your child safe online.

The NSPCC has produced some excellent advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.  Here is our pick:

12 questions answered about parenting in the digital age

Being online is a huge part of children and young people’s lives. But with technology changing all the time and new apps, games and networks becoming popular every day it can be difficult to keep up. Whether you’re worried your child knows more than you, or you’re comfortable with new technology it can be hard to know what to do to help keep your child safe online.

Here are 12 top tips from parenting expert Vicki Shotbolt, founder of The Parent Zone.

Seven easy things you can do

Here’s a list of seven easy things you can do to keep children safe on the internet and social networks.

Parental controls – what are they and how can you use them?

Parental controls are software and tools that help parents to set controls for their children’s computer use. They’re a great way of helping to prevent children from accessing unsuitable content online.

Controls aren’t a single solution to staying safe online – talking to your children and encouraging responsible behaviour is critical – however, controls are a vital first step to helping to protect your child online.

What social networks are your children using?

From Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat and Tumblr, Net Aware is a simple guide to the most popular social networks, apps and games.